• We generally work outside and request that sturdy, fully enclosed footwear is worn.

    Please dress for the weather and potentially being outside. We suggest wearing a hat and sun cream, a raincoat if it’s a bit wet and a warm jacket if it’s cold.

    We have some boots and raincoats on hand if you don’t have these or happen to forget to bring them.

    Please let us know if you have any concerns about allergies to animals, sand, grass, bees, foods etc.

  • No previous horse experience is necessary. Each participant is provided with advice, guidance and supervision to be around the horses in a safe manner.

    Our horses are assessed as being able to safely interact with people.

  • Sessions may involve a 'mounted' experience with a horse with a purpose related to psychological therapy however the practitioners at Hunter Valley Children’s Therapies do not offer horse riding coaching.

    If you’re after horse riding lessons or hippotherapy (physiotherapy-based and with a focus on physical improvements), we would recommend you contact a suitably accredited hippotherapist, an experienced horse-riding coach or the Riding for the Disabled.

  • Most definitely. There will be opportunity for parents/carers to be involved in sessions where suitable and to learn about the progress being made so they may best support their child or young person.

    We also provide the parent/carer of our child clients with ongoing feedback and advice from sessions (where appropriate) to assist with integration of the growth and learning at home, school and out in the community.

  • Sessions are 1 hour in length and costs vary. Please contact us for our pricing schedule.

    We are a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme

    Nadine Delaney is a registered provider with Medicare and a rebate of

    $85. 20 is available with a referral from your GP.

  • Hunter Valley Children’s Therapies is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Participants with funding support through the NDIS in the category of Capacity Building Improved Daily Living and Innovative Community Participation can access funding for Individual Therapy and Group programs.

    All services provided at HVCT are provide by qualified and experienced allied health professionals.

    Our Therapists and their qualifications are as follows;

    Nadine Delaney – Accredited Mental Health Social worker – registered with the AASW

    Lisa Mills –Counsellor – registered with ACA

    Cindy McLucas - Counsellor – registered with ACA

    Ash Jedrzejak – Art Therapist  – registered with ACCA

    Our therapist offer support to children, young people and adults and are paired with participants based on the participants needs and gaols, in line with the practitioner’s experience and expertise.

    Nadine, Lisa and Cindy work alongside animals/horses. They have all completed additional and specialised training to incorporate animals into their evidenced based practices. Each Therapist will make clinical decisions at various points in service provision about the inclusion of animals in therapeutic supports.

    Ash provides Art Therapy, which is different to art classes or a recreational art-based activity.

    Changes to the NDIS Legislation in October 2024, cited ‘Animal Therapies’ on the list of supports that the NDIA will NOT fund, however the NDIA have offered the following clarification in their FAQ section on their website…

    Is animal therapy an NDIS support?

    Animal-assisted therapy can be an NDIS support - therapeutic support

    Animal-assisted therapy is not the same as ‘animal therapy’. Animal-assisted therapists may use an animal to play a role in a goal-directed, structured intervention which will assist the therapist and the participant to engage in therapy.

    Animals can be used as therapy tools, just like a board game, Lego, or a swing could also be used as a tool in a therapy session.

    For example, a psychologist or counsellor may use an animal in therapy sessions to assist a participant to calm, focus or regulate whilst the counselling/psychology session is undertaken.

    An occupational therapist may use an animal in therapy sessions to assist a participant to participate in an activity such as walking, standing, balancing etc. In these interventions, the animal may be used by the therapist to help the client meet specific goals but the therapy is delivered to the participant by the allied health professional, with the animal used to support participation.

    Animal therapy is not an NDIS support.

    Activities which are provided for people to have a positive experience with an animal such as engaging with puppies or riding a horse might be called ‘animal therapy’ by the provider of the service.

    Recreational, sporting or social activities involving animals could also be called animal therapy.

    These activities are not animal-assisted therapeutic interventions and are not NDIS Supports, even if the provider of the service is an allied health professional.


    You CAN use your NDIS Plan to access services at HVCT because all of our practitioners are qualified allied health professionals

  • We also offer support to children and young people living in Out of Home Care (OOHC) and are able to liaise with their OOHC provider to offer details for funding submissions.

  • We understand that at times it is necessary to cancel booked sessions and we really appreciate as much notice as possible. We ask for 48 hours notice to avoid cancellation fees.

    Medicare rebates are not applicable on cancellation charges.

  • At HVCT we are committed to offering flexible support in a way that is meaningful for clients, so if you’re not interested in spending time with animals, or being outside, we can cater for that as well.

    We are all professional mental health practitioners and can offer a range of modalities, including those that can be room-based and not involving animals  

  • At HVCT we have a range of spaces available that cater for all weather events.

    We have airconditioned spaces to escape the heat and to keep warm in the winter and indoor and undercover spaces to navigate wet conditions where necessary.

    Generally speaking, all sessions will go ahead, regardless of the weather.

  • Here at HVCT, we are very committed to having accessible spaces so everyone can enjoy the farm.

    The majority of out nature-based spaces can be accessed with a wheelchair, we have a fully accessible, wheelchair friendly bathroom, and our indoor Therapy room and Art Studio have wheelchair access as well.

Learn about our services